Be Smart About Health Care

Personalized Preventive Health Care H1


Statements on this page have not been evaluated by the FDA.
They are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure a disease.

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse/DetoxKidney Detox CleanseColon Health Detox

Skin_Health_DetoxSpleen & Blood DetoxBrain Health Detox

DIY Spleen, Blood & Kidney Detox/Cleanse

You Will Need:

• 2-3 cups of coffee (ideally 100% organic)

• 1 bottle of Alpha Lipoic Acid capsules from our biochemist's chosen source
30 caps: $11.99 | ORDER |

• 1 bottle of Malic Acid capsules from our biochemist's chosen source
100 caps: $6.14 | ORDER |

• 1 bottle of standardized St. John's Wort supplement from our biochemist's chosen source
180 caps: $29.99 | ORDER |

• 1 bottle of standardized Milk Thistle supplement from our biochemists chosen source
50 caps: $11.39 | ORDER |


After drinking 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning, take 2 capsules of each supplement and be sure to drink a fair amount of water for the next few hours.

Step2_Custom_Supplement_Protocol Step3_Dietary_Restructuring Step4_Detox_Recommendations

What You'll Notice:

There are near countless toxins that your body is likely to detox with this protocol. Some report that their urine emitting a really pungent odor of Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC's). Once the urine hits cold water, the volatile compounds are released into the air, and the urine quickly looses this pungent plastic-like smell. This indicates that if there are volatile organics suspended in the stable warmth inside the bladder, then they truly would be released into the air once in contact with the cold water, and the smell wouldn't linger even though it is pungent. We highly recommend avoiding the breathing back in of the odor because your lungs are the likely place you absorbed the VOC's to begin with. Just the act of smelling plastic, is an act of ingesting its plasticizers into the ultra-porous lungs. Unfortunately, there are countless other ways we absorb toxins of this nature.

Even those that don't report such dramatic obvious outcomes from this protocol are still experiencing significant detox results, as enough research indicates (and in our biochemist's view) that these supplements all have there own health benefits. Our biochemist developed this protocol because when the supplements are taken in that order and concentrations, they have a very unique ability to work together and provide an even more effective, and dramatic result.