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Frequently Asked Questions

Blood, Hair and Fecal Testing

Q.) What is the Difference Between Blood Analysis and Hair Analysis?

A.) Blood and hair analysis offer different views of the body from different perspectives. Both are important, but in different situations. Blood is ever changing, reacting almost instantly sometimes, to things ingested or to physical stresses. It is our most valuable indicator of sudden onset or acute types of health problems, and can be analyzed in a relatively short period as well. That is why your doctor or vet will often take a blood sample in an emergency situation.

Hair analysis, on the other hand, does not show rapid onset problems because of the time it takes the hair to grow and the extra time necessary to analyse the hair. The body grows hair continually, and forms it from the nutrients (or toxic elements) available and biologically active. It is likened to a computer that gives a constant readout on the workings within it.

Hair analysis in people and animals can show problems in malabsortpion and nutritional deficiency, as well as possible causes of chronic and long term problems such as: arthritis, anemia, allergies, asthma, diabetes, hypoglycemia, acne, heavy metal poisoning (lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, mercury), various sleep disturbances, some learning disabilities, many fertility problems, weight problems, depression, hyperactivity, headaches, chronic infections, abnormal graying of hair, nervousness, irregular heart beat, cravings for abnormal food stuffs, poor healing of wounds, and sometimes aggression.

Q.) If the horse is a "dead end host" then why are the protozoa dangerouse in the body?

A.) First we need to define "dead end host"- that is an animal who can serve as host to one or more stages of the life cycle of a parasite, but not the stage that includes reproduction, and production of infective particles to the same or other species.

The protozoa that we see in the fecals have hatched from the cysts, but cannot reproduce in the horse- or that is what is currently thought. But, they can wreak havock on their own if they are able to make their way inside the body. Remember, no other living entities are supposed to be inside the body.

A similar condition has been observed in man for many years, now. It is called "visceral larval migrans", and it is a condition where parasitic worms from animals hatch from ingested eggs, in man, and then begin a lifetime of migrations throughout the body, including the brain, without ever completing their life cycles and actually reproducing. This is a perfect example of a "dead end host". Just because a host is dead end, only describes the ability of this host to infect others. It does not have anything to do with the damage that is done during these migrations. It just means that it is not "catchy" from body to body in the same species.

What we are seeing in the fecals is not the "shedding " of infective stages of these parasites, but stages that can enter the body through the now open doors of the leaky gut, and migrate anywhere, causing damage wherever they go.This is why the symptoms are so varied. It depends on where they go. In the beginning, 16 years ago, unaffected horses had zero, zip, zilch of these observable. Now, most every horse has at least SOME.

But that is the way of Nature, to fill every niche, make use of every opportunity, and with the dramatic increases in environmental pollution over 16 years ago, there are lots more opportunities now. I used to set an arbitrary grading system of 1 to 5, with a 5 being the worst with the highest numbers and more than one species. I don't bother to even classify them anymore as the grading system that I used even up to 5 years ago is no longer is relevant. There are no more negatives, only differing grades of severity now.

What I do see on the program, however, are higher numbers of dead ones that may hatch, but not be able to be sustained to the end of the gut, because the internal regulators are being corrected by the program. Also, the speed of their movements are greatly slowed as well. This is the "control" I am working toward as there never will be a cure. Like worms, they are with us forever, and we just "control" their numbers. Sooner or later, Nature will find a way to allow more and more of them to actually reproduce in these"dead end hosts". That is Nature's way, and the likes of man are no match for that!!

On the dead end host again, what I am seeing in the fecals are the trophozoite stage of the protozoa of many species. These are very fragile and are not the true reproductive stage. With many of them, the opportunity to inhabit a body has never been open to them before. This is why we PRESUME them to see the horse as dead end. With Sarcocystis, the situation is different, which is why I refer to them as "17 year olds with ouzis". They have evolutionary experience, that the others, referred to as "the 5 year olds" may lack now, but not probably for long.

I never used to see these in the blood before, and just started seeing them in the blood about 3 years ago. At that time, I would be lucky to see one or two on a whole slide. Now, several are visible on virtually every field of the severely affected horses. They are now appearing as cysts of some sort as well, but earlier, I saw true trophozoites crawling around in the blood. It was awesome, and witnessed by a group of international veterinarians at a seminar where I gave a presentation. We hemolyzed the blood cells to be able to see them more clearly. I have many photomicrographs of many types of organisms from hemolyzed and fresh blood from many species of animals and man.

I even have photos of these cysts "hatching" some sort of spore like organisms too. This is not common - yet! I have never tried staining them, but that would be very interesting. The equipment I use has a good computer monitor that attaches directly to the microscope, so that everyone can see what I see in the scope. By adjusting the lighting, the bugs refract differently than the blood cells and you can get differentiation like that of a staining effect. It is made by Sony especially for this use. This is part of the equipment that I use for my seminars.

An animal can be a dead end host to one species of protozoa and not necessarily to another. With Sarcocystis, it has been observed to divide in the CNS and replicate itself there, but not to necessarily be able to infect another horse. I know it can be confusing. We still don't know enough about ANY of these species. This is why I focus on prevention as worth MORE than a pound of cure!

Q.) Please comment on a negative blood test with positive neurological symptoms. Does this rule out Environmental Ilness or EPM?

A.) About 10 years ago when the blood tests first came out, I did many of them, and positively corellated them to the fecals, to the grading system first set up and described previously. In analyzing the whole group, it could clearly be seen that the results fell into two main groups with two subgroups.This is what we found:

Group 1
Positive blood tests with positive neuro = positive for disease.

Group 2
Negetive blood with positive neuro=?

Group 3
Positive blood with negetive neuro = ?

Group 4
Negetive blood with negetive neuro= no disease

The two questionable groups were studied further by doing repeat tests on them over the next year and a half. This time, we did antibody titres and corellated them with the actual neurological state and likelihood of actually developing the disease. This is what we found: Horses with the highest antibody titres were more likely to have come from a program of nutritional SUFFICIENCY, high quality feeds with high quality supplements. Horses with lower antibody titres were more likely to have come from a state of nutritional DEFICIENCY, poor quality feeds, poor quality supplements or no supplements, often they had more stress as well. The latter group, on a poor feed program (stress by itself) was also MORE likely to develop the disease!

ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: When two bodies with very different nutritional status are exposed to the same level of exposure or conditions, the one with nutritional SUFFICIENCY will develop a HIGHER antibody titre in response to the exposure, and with this, be BETTER able to fight off the results of infection. These horses showed NO neurological disease development, whereas the others developed symptoms to varying degrees within the year and a half. This is as it should be. The antibody titre is a good test for monitoring the state of the immune system ONLY, and not a measure of the disease s 49454tate. If this were not true, then all of us who were ever vaccinated for polio, measles, diptheria. whooping cough, etc. would be in an active disease state because we carry a high antibody titre!

Therefore, a good support program for any horse would strive to ELEVATE the antibody titre as a protection, since the "bugs" are present everywhere. It is interesting to note that this is what has actually happened with horses we worked with - the antibody titres went up - AS THE NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS WENT AWAY!

Q.) My horse is big for his breed and tired all of the time, can't go, flabby muscles, and a blood test shows low blood albumin. Why?

A.) Assessing blood protein levels - you need to compare albumin to globulin levels to know more. Albumin is the fraction that is soluble in water and carrier of nutrients including minerals. The globulin portion fights infection. Were globulins high? This ratio is important.

Exposure to environmental toxins will cause this phenomonem. This lowers blood pressure while leaking fluid from blood into the lymph, causing bloating, tiredness, flaccid muscles, intolerance to exercise and bloated abdomen. Look at people in a mall someday and see what is happening to society! This increasing obesity is not so much from increases of body fat, as it is this toxic syndrome. This is why simply dieting and exercise fail to correct these problems.

This syndrome causes endocrine compromise and immune compromise so that the body becomes more susceptible to infection from organisms that it would easily be able to fend off under normal circumstances, including EPM. A large undercurrent syndrome here has to do with thyroid, as this gland takes the biggest hit from environmental chemicals.

Q.) What problems can hair analysis be helpful for?

A.) There are many strengths and limitations using a hair analysis. It is very good for analyzing the deficiencies and excesses of mineral nutrition as well as exposure to toxic elements like heavy metals. It will NOT tell vitamin, herbicide, pesticide or organic hydrocarbon status, as these do not carry minerals that are able to be detected in hair. Unfortunately, some "professionals" are making those claims.

Years ago, the lab and people who did this were taken to federal court and this issue was used to try to get hair analysis banned altogether by the orthodox powers that be. The lab was sued, but the procedure was found valid because much of the original work was done and verified by a government lab at Argonne. Unfortunately, there have entered the field since then, a new batch of "professionals" doing hair analysis who know enough about biochemistry at the cell level to just be dangerous!

Environmental chemicals change the way the body processes minerals and hormones, and a "toxicity" viewed from the perspective of hair analysis only, can really be a "deficiency"! Even the biochemistry that I learned in college many years ago did not prepare me adequately for this, as there is a new paradigm in the biochemistry of ALL living things now! This HAS to be taken into account in ANY evaluation of nutritional, toxicological or behavioral status.

I began my specialty business using hair analysis in 1977. I tracked which chemical forms of minerals were best for absorption and specifically for individual problems. Then, I blended supplements custom for each case, and had spectacular results, to say the least. From there, I formulated a whole line of specialty products for the most common ailmants based upon hundreds of hair analyses over the years, because by watching the changing values and "normals" over the years, I can see what paradigm, or model changes in overall biochemistry that the environmental pollutions are having on people and animals.

With this unique insight, I could clearly see why orthodox medicine was not working as it did in the past, was more and more exhibiting higher statistics in non response and above all, more unexpected unwanted side effects.This is particularly true for the older drugs that formerly worked very well. The newly emerging stats on side effects of previously "safe" drugs, do not match the statistics of the PDR, done many years ago under a different paradigm of biochemistry that did not include the environmental pollution, especially the hormone mimics, that we have now!

Some of the problems that hair analysis is helpful with are: violent behaviors, anxiety, allergy, stress chemistry, growth problems, ulcers and acid chemistry, as environmntal chemicals are sequestered in the body as organic acids, endocrine function, ovarian cysts, (manganese is imp. here as manganese is the "female" mineral), infertility, low basal metabolism, tics, twitches, skin problems, hair coat, susceptibility to infections, energy levels, sore muscles, tying up, aging, contracted tendons, epiphysitis etc.

If anyone is interested in having a hair analysis done, and would like a case history questionaire, I can fax them one. These symptoms help to determine the EFFECTS of the imbalances in the body, by evaluating the corresponding biochemical pathways involved. It is very complicated, and the results are not easy to decipher, which is why the whole idea did not catch fire with orthodox med in the first place.

Today, I usually only use hair analysis for people, and horses who have been exposed to toxic dumps, cemeteries, surface waters, etc. and try to save the client the lab fees by directly supplementing using the experience that I have gained.

If they do not respond, then I do a hair analysis, as for the most part, I have done so may over the years that I can predict quite accurately how the results will turn out by the description of the symptoms, the environment lived in, past exposures, and the food intake.

Q.) Are protozoa samples from equine fecals, easy to do, easy to see?

A.) I have described the procedure of doing the fecals and show it "vividly" in videos available from our office. You can't miss them as they zip all over the place! You can't take the fecal to the lab though, it must be right from the horse. After five minutes, it begins to look negative. There are many species and they are large. The Environmental Illness epidemic is worsening, as I observe, and it is getting harder and taking longer to restore health and neurological function after extensive drug treatment. I don't know if the newer drugs appear to be more toxic, or the environmental factors are getting worse, but the fecals and blood take more time to clear than they did a year ago. I am seeing many more organisms on the blood slides as well, more than I did a year and a half ago when the original videos were made.

Q.) My vet says that protozoa are "normal" in fecals, is this true?

A.) There are now many species of trophozoites of protozoa active in the fresh fecals. They never USED to be NORMAL, as I have been observing them for over twenty years and correllating both their numbers and species with symptomologies.

NOW, because of the population statistics, they are considered "NORMAL", however, so is lead poisoning The amount of lead in a "NORMAL" person's body now would have been considered very toxic some 50 years ago! "NORMALS" are created and defined by population statistics any more, and have little to do with corellation of actual disease syndromes - which makes it really rough for good physicians and good veterinarians to treat people and animals with clinical symptoms, that are within the "NORMAL" category, because so many in the population suffer the same things! I hate that word "NORMAL" for this reason!

Endemic protozoa of many types survive hostile environments by encapsulation into cysts for protection. When the conditions are right, they "hatch" into the trophozoite form that we recognize from biology class as protozoa, to complete their life cycles. S.neurona have greater ability to penetrate through the gut wall and actually invade, however, if the door is open, any species can enter. The lowered pH of the gut, affected by combinations of stress, chemical exposure etc. "hatch" more of these species and numbers and free more of these trophozoites.

A good analogy would be: suppose you owned a candy store on a street down from a school, where all grades of kids walked past going home. Under normal conditions, you may be held up by 17 year olds toting Uzi's, but not by unarmed 5 year olds. Now, what if you left the store, with the door wide open and the candy all sitting out in plain view. Under THESE conditions, given this OPPORTUNITY, the average five year old would probably become a thief!

Does this make it easier to understand? It is the OPPORTUNITY that makes ALL the difference. This is the reason that the testing is so problematic, trying to identify WHICH organism and all that. It is what led to the opportunity in the first place that matters. This is the thinking from a different perspective. What would you think that a police officer would say to the candy store owner who complained about the robbery? If it continued to happen, he would admonish the owner for leaving the doors wide open and the place unattended to begin with! And rightly so! It's getting to the cause, of the cause, of the cause...


Q.) Are you seeing the actual sarcocystis in the fecals?

A.) To my knowledge, no one knows what the Sarcocystis trophozoites look like in the horse's gut that have hatched from cysts, as I could not find any pictures of such. The only pictures came from the already re-encysted forms in the Central Nervous System tissue, where they were first identified. Researchers were not even sure how they even arrived there. So the live protozoa that you will see in the fecals may or may not contain the Sarcocystis itself.

The presence of an increasing number of organisms, and an increasing number of species that I have observed over the years, led me to ask myself "what changes the conditions in the body to allow ANY of these cysts to hatch in the first place?" This is what led me to discover the leaky gut connection, caused by the acid chemistry, further caused by the environmental chemicals building up in the blood systems of all living things. The cause, of the cause, of the cause...

Following on this theory, several courses of action were implemented, following scientific protocols, and this program is the result of this very scientific research. The fact that it has such a high success in many cases from different parts of the country, with different types of exposures, verifies the truths in the theory, especially since these results are obtained without toxic drugs or chemicals of any kind that would specifically target the resulting infections, whatever they be - Sarcocystis, Neospora or whatever.

To me, they are irrelevant, only the door that let them in IS. Does this make better understanding?

This program is NOT set in stone,since it needs to be just as adaptable as the situations it is addressing,. The environment causing the body's chemical imbalance has become noticeably worse since I began monitoring it many years ago. I expect to have to add even more components to the program, just to keep up.

It has been necessary to formulate special programs to combat many different types of exposure related both to areas of habitation as well as that of known susceptibility of the animal or person. Xenoestrogens are dealt with differently from heavy metal, which are different from herbicides, etc. The basic program addresses all forms of pollution, but can be strengthened in one way or another, IF you know what you are dealing with. Some kinds of pollution are easier to handle than others. As new information and remediation technology become available, they will be incorporated into the program.

Recommended reading on hair analysis: top - left

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